Friday, May 22, 2009

Philadelphia, Mississippi, elects first black mayor

By Ed Lavandera, CNN Correspondent
PHILADELPHIA, Mississippi (CNN) -- James Young still remembers the Ku Klux Klan tormenting his neighborhood. He can still see his father holding a gun on the living room couch ready to shoot anyone who threatened his family. Nothing about Young's childhood ever made him think he could be the mayor of Philadelphia, Mississippi, the town best known for the killings of three civil rights workers in 1964. That's the way it was for black kids growing up in this crucible of racial hostility -- big dreams were often squelched. Sitting on a sprawling Southern front porch this week, Young broke down in tears about what it means to be elected the town's first black mayor. "When you've been treated the way we've been treated," he told CNN, choking up and then pausing to wipe the tears from his face.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for beautiful post and information. I did not know that fact.

    Congratulations to all Black People around the world. This makes me happy.

    Congratulations to all Americans, it speaks well of the USA that it has a "Black" President.

    The true is that nobody is 100% Black or White. That is simple imbecility.

    Congratulations to all that speak up for Justice like this beautiful blog of Mora James.


    It is perfectly natural that Obama attended Reverend Wright's Church.

    He was probably sleeping during his sermons or making political calculations and adding votes.

    Obama probably knew that Reverend Wright was angry at slavery and at Genocides against Vietnam and Islamic Nations that are also Human Beings and should also be counted as victims of War.

    Reverend Wright acknowledged the Humanity of all "darkies" and "brownies", Islamic or not, and he understood the imbecile fallacy or "Terrorism" for all people in pajamas.

    If my ancestors had been slaves, eaten by dogs, castrated, leashed, beaten and whipped, and chained, then I would be angrier and madder than Mr Wright.

    Mr Wright is inocous and can do no harm. He does not kick people in the head while they are unconscious on the floor.

    The Wright Congregation : Black people dancing and singing and somewhat hysteric or frenetic, with wonderful beautiful music, those Blacks represents zero danger for American Society.

    Dick Cheney or Donald Rumsfeld or Idiot George W. Bush are one million times more dangerous.

    Or the Racist Rednecks that are killing "darkies" and "brownies" as sport, fun and entertainment.

    Politics is a tough business, and Mr Obama learned a lot form Chicago then I applaud.

    He needs to be somewhat shrewd to resist the charges of People so mean and debased morally as Dick Cheney, the businessman of War and Genocide, getting richer with every bomb that falls on a poor illiterate village killing children, women and the old.

    I still believe that Racist Rednecks have three powerful enemies : Demography, Science and Intelligence.

    Against their Imbecility use Intelligence :

    Vicente Duque
