Friday, June 26, 2009
U-TOO Blog listing of the killings & beatings in Iran
Check it out!
The Green Brief #9 - NiteOwl - Why We Protest
..."As reported yesterday, no massacre can be confirmed to have occurred in Baharestan square. Readers have sent me several photographs of bodies with gaping wounds that might suggest the use of axes - I have confirmed ISOLATED use of axes in the previous report -, however, all of the photos have been from past protests. As of yet, the claim by Mainstream Media that there was a massacre at Baharestan cannot be confirmed."...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Khamenei Speech to Parliamentarians June 24 (Excerpts English)
In a meeting with members of the parliament, Khamenei against defended the elections and said that the Islamic regime and people would at any cost not be forced! He added that in the current situation, he has emphasized the rule of law. He continued to say that if there was no law, then dictatorship will prevail. He added that if the law was not followed than things will get complicated, thus, the law must be adhered. He said that if not followed, then the legality of any elections in the future will be questionable. He added that the law must pass down from the top down, the people at the top must adhere to the law and if they don't, then the ordinary people cannot be expected to do so. He called on the representatives of people in the parliament to cooperate with the government and not make it difficult for them to run society day to day. He added that this doesn't mean the government shouldn't be criticized if it is wrong, but rather if there is anything, it shouldn't be taken up with the government in a 'friendly' way. He added that representatives should place the betterment and issues of their respected areas in context with the betterment of the country.
These are excerpts from Khamenei's speech to parliamentarians today, June 24 in Tehran. I saw it on the BBC's Persian website and translated it AS QUICKLY and as BEST as I could. Please pass around - NiteOwl
These are excerpts from Khamenei's speech to parliamentarians today, June 24 in Tehran. I saw it on the BBC's Persian website and translated it AS QUICKLY and as BEST as I could. Please pass around - NiteOwl
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
A Hate-Crime in Iran

In the manner in which Neda was targeted and murdered by the Iranian government’s agents is a clear indication that this is a Hate-Crime. Neda was killed because she represented all that the Iranian government fears.* *Neda was wearing western clothes and not traditional clothing was she was shot in the heart by a sniper. Remember women’s rights had been a hot issue during the election.
Violence and Widespread Arrests in the township of Amol

Thursday June 18, 2009
Like other regions of the country, the township of Amol in the province of Mazandaran has become filled with demonstrators protesting the results of Iranian presidential elections.
As in other locations, these demonstrations have faced severe and violent responses from the Security Forces and interference from government-backed militias. Reports have emerged that the Security Forces have arrested many young demonstrators and reformist campaign workers. The latest of these clashes occurred this morning.
In its local news agency, a paramilitary group known as Hezbollah has threatened activists such as Jamileh Salar, Bahareh Shahidi, Hojatoleslam Musa Rajai, and Mr. Mahdavi, the former Friday prayer Imam of the city. This group has also announced that it has detained the son of the former Minister of Roads and Transportation of president Khatami’s administration. The location and numbers of these detainees as well as the number of injured are not disclosed.
Flagrant Attacks on Kian Amani, an Iranian Photojournalist

شنبه ، 30 خرداد 1388 ، 12:10
Friday June 18, 2009
The Security Forces and plain-clothed government agents subjected Kian Amani, a prominent Iranian photographer and photojournalist of CHN news agency, who has also performed freelance work for foreign news agencies, to a flagrant attack and bodily injury. The attack occurred while he was engaged in photography from the demonstrations on Gandhi Street at 9:00 PM on Tuesday.
The paramilitary plain-clothed agents were armed with batons, chains, and machetes. They approached Mr. Amani and broke the lens of his professional camera. When he objected, the agents attacked Mr. Amani with knives and severely injured him. Despite his grossly apparent injuries, the agents continued to subject Mr. Amani to beatings. Concerned bystanders subsequently took him to a hospital.
The restrictions on activity of journalists in Iran have occurred while hundreds of foreign journalists and photographers have been forced out of Iran due to nonrenewal of their visas. Many news agencies have been warned not to provide coverage of the ongoing demonstrations. The government of Iran through severe censorship of newspapers and media, placement of significant restrictions on Internet access and blacking of texting, has practically left no room for any coverage of the ongoing people’s demonstrations and the events surrounding them.
Friday June 18, 2009
The Security Forces and plain-clothed government agents subjected Kian Amani, a prominent Iranian photographer and photojournalist of CHN news agency, who has also performed freelance work for foreign news agencies, to a flagrant attack and bodily injury. The attack occurred while he was engaged in photography from the demonstrations on Gandhi Street at 9:00 PM on Tuesday.
The paramilitary plain-clothed agents were armed with batons, chains, and machetes. They approached Mr. Amani and broke the lens of his professional camera. When he objected, the agents attacked Mr. Amani with knives and severely injured him. Despite his grossly apparent injuries, the agents continued to subject Mr. Amani to beatings. Concerned bystanders subsequently took him to a hospital.
The restrictions on activity of journalists in Iran have occurred while hundreds of foreign journalists and photographers have been forced out of Iran due to nonrenewal of their visas. Many news agencies have been warned not to provide coverage of the ongoing demonstrations. The government of Iran through severe censorship of newspapers and media, placement of significant restrictions on Internet access and blacking of texting, has practically left no room for any coverage of the ongoing people’s demonstrations and the events surrounding them.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Torture in the streets of Khorramabad Iran
Stripped and the torture begins on the streets in Iran!
Iranians being killed in streets of Tehran
Iranians being killed in streets of Tehran
Monday News in Iran
Hundreds of protesters crowded Tehran's Haft-e Tir Square on Monday, despite warnings from the government, eyewitnesses said.Six people were seen arrested at the square.Hundreds of Basij militia -- some in plainclothes -- and riot police were trying to disperse the crowd and managed to clear a crowded pedestrian overpass near the square, the witnesses said. Two helicopters circled overhead.There were lots of Internet postings on Twitter and Facebook about a 4 p.m. (7:30 a.m. ET) vigil at Haft-e Tir Square for a young female protester identified as Neda. Her death, which was caught on camera, has become a rallying cry for many protesters.At Monday's rally in the square, one witness said a male protester in his 20s was chased into an alley by two members of the pro-government Basij militia. A group of protesters chased the Basijis away and then the crowd could be heard chanting "Do not be scared. We are all together."
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Protest Song
Iranian Demonstrator students Song created Friday after the प्रयेर्स
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Green Brief #4
The Green Brief 4 - NiteOwl
This is NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar, no time for formalities, here’s the new brief – sorry I overslept because of lack of sleep. Won’t happen again! ProtesterHelp and Heymans have been instrumental in the writing of this Brief. This is news from Saturday in Iran. 1. There was a protest planned today at Enghelab Square in Tehran. However, the whole square was filled with police. The police attacked, beat down on protesters and dispersed them with tear gas. However, the whole city of Tehran was crowded with protesters. As we reported in the last brief, the IRG had expressly been given the authority by Khamenei to violently crush the protests if any start to take place after Friday.2. Other protests took place in Isfahan, Tabriz, Shiraz, Mashhad, Rasht and Ahvaz. Protesters were attacked in all the above mentioned cities as well as in other areas of Iran. The situation seemed to be extremely critical in the cities of Shiraz, Tabriz, Isfahan and Rasht. There were incidents of violence against protesters in Ahvaz as well. Reports have also come in of protesters lashing back at IRG and Baseej with at least one Baseej base in Tehran being burnt by angry protesters. Molotov bombs have been used during the protests on a wider scale than before by protesters. It has also been confirmed that in Mashhad, a very large number Mullahs accompanied the protesters. 3. The government claimed as the protests were continuing that a suicide bomber had attacked Imam Khomeini’s shrine. They also claimed that many people had been injured and killed in the incident. However, sources have not confirmed any such attack. We cannot at this point confirm or deny whether any attack on the shrine took place from all our sources. Iranian TV continues to claim this attack has indeed taken place. MSM might have more on this, but treat it with caution. 4. During the protest, helicopters dropped a strange liquid on protesters that we’re still trying to determine the nature of. It has been claimed variously that the liquid was tear gas. Some sources have told us that people who’ve had the liquid contact their skin have developed burns on those spots. But as of yet, we cannot positively identify it. 5. In Tehran, Baseej and possibly IRG forces burnt down a mosque with protesters trapped inside, according to sources. They could not confirm if any protester had actually died or had been injured during the incident. 6. Even though larger protests have subsided, there are still people out on the streets in Tehran and other cities. It is being claimed by sources that the wave of arrests is continuing even at 1 AM Iran time. Throughout the day, the number of people who were arrested has remained unconfirmed, but sources claim that thousands have been arrested, consensus being on around 3,000 and possibly more. Running the numbers and adding them to our previous number of 5,000 arrested before today, the number of people that have been so far seems to have reached somewhere between 5 and 10 thousand. The number of people killed during the protests is anyone’s guess. Sources have confirmed at least 4 dead in Tehran. But the number could be higher. The government is not releasing any data on that as of yet. 7. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard has been the spearhead of all the attacks within Tehran. The Basij is helping them. As we had reported before, the IRG had been authorized by Khamenei to use extensive force if necessary to quell the protests. The police have this time also been active in the suppression of the protests but not to the level of the IRG and the Baseej. The remainder of the military has so far taken no action. 8. It has also been claimed that IRG is soon to take complete control of the capital and possibly the major cities where protests have taken place. This is said to be a measure in order to stop protests from happening in the first place. Confirmation is still not as positive as it is in other cases reported here. 9. Mousavi was present during the protests but was unable to deliver his prepared speech. He said that he is ready to be martyred for the cause of people. Reports of his detention and freedom have come from various sources but it seems that for now he is safe. He has called for a general strike throughout Iran. 10. Reformists and high-ranking Mousavi supporters are now being arrested in massive numbers. Sources claim that the Iranian government wants to completely isolate Mousavi so he has no way of contacting the outside world. However, Mousavi continues to manage to get messages out using his sources. 11. As the injured were shipped to hospitals, many were directly taken away into custody without even reaching the hospital. Sources also confirm that government forces then went to hospitals and picked up the injured, hauling them out and taking them to undisclosed locations. The arrest of injured protesters is so massive that our sources have pleaded with everyone inside Iran to NOT go to hospitals. 12. Several embassies in Tehran opened up their doors to injured protesters. They include the embassies of Slovenia, Dutch, Italian, British, Australian, Romania, Czech Republic, Denmark and Germany. There are rumors of other embassies opening their doors to injured protesters as well; however, they cannot be positively confirmed. It has also been confirmed that the Canadian Embassy has closed its doors and turned away injured protesters and told them they are not accepting anyone. 13. It has also been reported that Baseej, IRG and police have been stationed around the embassy to intercept any protesters who try to enter the embassies. Many people have so far been arrested on route or close to the embassies and taken to undisclosed location. 14. Sources confirmed that the government is taking forced confessions from arrested protesters and linking them to Western nations. The Iranian TV showed confessions of several protesters. One protester claimed that he had been taking orders from sources in the UK. The TV news stories have been so far blaming the UK and Israel for the violence and have hinted at possible involvement by the US government as well. 15. The Iranian Ministry of Interior has taken extreme measures in order to protect its internet services and data from hackers trying to sabotage their systems. Most websites helping Iranian online protesters have pleaded to all hackers not to DDoS any government-run websites or internet services as this would also create severe problems for Iranians using internet as well and quite possibly might cut off connection to them. Here’s a link to information compiled by our most active twitter helper: Please have a look at it and let us know if you can confirm it too
This is NiteOwl AKA Josh Shahryar, no time for formalities, here’s the new brief – sorry I overslept because of lack of sleep. Won’t happen again! ProtesterHelp and Heymans have been instrumental in the writing of this Brief. This is news from Saturday in Iran. 1. There was a protest planned today at Enghelab Square in Tehran. However, the whole square was filled with police. The police attacked, beat down on protesters and dispersed them with tear gas. However, the whole city of Tehran was crowded with protesters. As we reported in the last brief, the IRG had expressly been given the authority by Khamenei to violently crush the protests if any start to take place after Friday.2. Other protests took place in Isfahan, Tabriz, Shiraz, Mashhad, Rasht and Ahvaz. Protesters were attacked in all the above mentioned cities as well as in other areas of Iran. The situation seemed to be extremely critical in the cities of Shiraz, Tabriz, Isfahan and Rasht. There were incidents of violence against protesters in Ahvaz as well. Reports have also come in of protesters lashing back at IRG and Baseej with at least one Baseej base in Tehran being burnt by angry protesters. Molotov bombs have been used during the protests on a wider scale than before by protesters. It has also been confirmed that in Mashhad, a very large number Mullahs accompanied the protesters. 3. The government claimed as the protests were continuing that a suicide bomber had attacked Imam Khomeini’s shrine. They also claimed that many people had been injured and killed in the incident. However, sources have not confirmed any such attack. We cannot at this point confirm or deny whether any attack on the shrine took place from all our sources. Iranian TV continues to claim this attack has indeed taken place. MSM might have more on this, but treat it with caution. 4. During the protest, helicopters dropped a strange liquid on protesters that we’re still trying to determine the nature of. It has been claimed variously that the liquid was tear gas. Some sources have told us that people who’ve had the liquid contact their skin have developed burns on those spots. But as of yet, we cannot positively identify it. 5. In Tehran, Baseej and possibly IRG forces burnt down a mosque with protesters trapped inside, according to sources. They could not confirm if any protester had actually died or had been injured during the incident. 6. Even though larger protests have subsided, there are still people out on the streets in Tehran and other cities. It is being claimed by sources that the wave of arrests is continuing even at 1 AM Iran time. Throughout the day, the number of people who were arrested has remained unconfirmed, but sources claim that thousands have been arrested, consensus being on around 3,000 and possibly more. Running the numbers and adding them to our previous number of 5,000 arrested before today, the number of people that have been so far seems to have reached somewhere between 5 and 10 thousand. The number of people killed during the protests is anyone’s guess. Sources have confirmed at least 4 dead in Tehran. But the number could be higher. The government is not releasing any data on that as of yet. 7. The Iranian Revolutionary Guard has been the spearhead of all the attacks within Tehran. The Basij is helping them. As we had reported before, the IRG had been authorized by Khamenei to use extensive force if necessary to quell the protests. The police have this time also been active in the suppression of the protests but not to the level of the IRG and the Baseej. The remainder of the military has so far taken no action. 8. It has also been claimed that IRG is soon to take complete control of the capital and possibly the major cities where protests have taken place. This is said to be a measure in order to stop protests from happening in the first place. Confirmation is still not as positive as it is in other cases reported here. 9. Mousavi was present during the protests but was unable to deliver his prepared speech. He said that he is ready to be martyred for the cause of people. Reports of his detention and freedom have come from various sources but it seems that for now he is safe. He has called for a general strike throughout Iran. 10. Reformists and high-ranking Mousavi supporters are now being arrested in massive numbers. Sources claim that the Iranian government wants to completely isolate Mousavi so he has no way of contacting the outside world. However, Mousavi continues to manage to get messages out using his sources. 11. As the injured were shipped to hospitals, many were directly taken away into custody without even reaching the hospital. Sources also confirm that government forces then went to hospitals and picked up the injured, hauling them out and taking them to undisclosed locations. The arrest of injured protesters is so massive that our sources have pleaded with everyone inside Iran to NOT go to hospitals. 12. Several embassies in Tehran opened up their doors to injured protesters. They include the embassies of Slovenia, Dutch, Italian, British, Australian, Romania, Czech Republic, Denmark and Germany. There are rumors of other embassies opening their doors to injured protesters as well; however, they cannot be positively confirmed. It has also been confirmed that the Canadian Embassy has closed its doors and turned away injured protesters and told them they are not accepting anyone. 13. It has also been reported that Baseej, IRG and police have been stationed around the embassy to intercept any protesters who try to enter the embassies. Many people have so far been arrested on route or close to the embassies and taken to undisclosed location. 14. Sources confirmed that the government is taking forced confessions from arrested protesters and linking them to Western nations. The Iranian TV showed confessions of several protesters. One protester claimed that he had been taking orders from sources in the UK. The TV news stories have been so far blaming the UK and Israel for the violence and have hinted at possible involvement by the US government as well. 15. The Iranian Ministry of Interior has taken extreme measures in order to protect its internet services and data from hackers trying to sabotage their systems. Most websites helping Iranian online protesters have pleaded to all hackers not to DDoS any government-run websites or internet services as this would also create severe problems for Iranians using internet as well and quite possibly might cut off connection to them. Here’s a link to information compiled by our most active twitter helper: Please have a look at it and let us know if you can confirm it too
Friday, June 19, 2009
3 students arrested
According to statistics obtained names of three students arrested including gentlemen, Mehdi Pour Nikan, Kaveh Shafiee Einollah and Siavash is that all three have been transferred to Lacan.
Hangings in Iran?
Requesting confirmation from Iran; five students executed on camera #iranelection #gr88 #GREEN4IRAN
Requesting confirmation from Iran; five students executed on camera #iranelection #gr88 #GREEN4IRAN
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Song sang in Iran by students
My elementary schoolmate.
You are with me and my comrade all the way.
We’ve suffered together....
Read MoreYour tears and sighs are mines as well.
Engraved on this blackboard are our names.
Remaining on our bodies are still the scares of the lash of tyranny and injustice.
This uncultured landscape of ours is covered with weed instead of the green of grass.
Either good or bad, dead is the hearts of all its people.
Your hands and my hands must rip these veils apart.
Who else, except for you and me, could cure our wounds?
My elementary schoolmate.
You are with me and my comrade all the way.
We’ve suffered together.
Your tears and sighs are mines as well.
Engraved on this backboard are our names.
Remaining on our bodies are still the scares of the lash of tyranny and injustice
You are with me and my comrade all the way.
We’ve suffered together....
Read MoreYour tears and sighs are mines as well.
Engraved on this blackboard are our names.
Remaining on our bodies are still the scares of the lash of tyranny and injustice.
This uncultured landscape of ours is covered with weed instead of the green of grass.
Either good or bad, dead is the hearts of all its people.
Your hands and my hands must rip these veils apart.
Who else, except for you and me, could cure our wounds?
My elementary schoolmate.
You are with me and my comrade all the way.
We’ve suffered together.
Your tears and sighs are mines as well.
Engraved on this backboard are our names.
Remaining on our bodies are still the scares of the lash of tyranny and injustice
Men in civilian clothes attacked Day hospital in Tehran
SourceTranslation:Shahab News:
Men in civilian clothes attacked Day hospital in Tehran (Tavanir st at Valiasr st) and it is not clear where they got their orders from. This happenedhours after some of the people wounded and injured in the street violence against protesters were brought to Day hospital by ambulances and by people on Tuesday. Number of wounded and dead were also brought to this hospital on previous days.The attackers who were armed with batons, chains, sticks, sprays and guns entered the emergency room by forcing and threatening the security guards and ordered doctors and nurses not to treat patients injured during the protests. They also called those patients "spies", "traitors", and "enemy's supporters".The confrontation lasted 15 minutes during which the hospital staff tried to keep the attackers from approaching the patients and recognizing their faces. At the end, they seceded in preventing violence.Note that even in the World War II and during Israel and Palestine's war in Gaza, the medical teams have been safe and free to do their job and treat the wounded.
Men in civilian clothes attacked Day hospital in Tehran (Tavanir st at Valiasr st) and it is not clear where they got their orders from. This happenedhours after some of the people wounded and injured in the street violence against protesters were brought to Day hospital by ambulances and by people on Tuesday. Number of wounded and dead were also brought to this hospital on previous days.The attackers who were armed with batons, chains, sticks, sprays and guns entered the emergency room by forcing and threatening the security guards and ordered doctors and nurses not to treat patients injured during the protests. They also called those patients "spies", "traitors", and "enemy's supporters".The confrontation lasted 15 minutes during which the hospital staff tried to keep the attackers from approaching the patients and recognizing their faces. At the end, they seceded in preventing violence.Note that even in the World War II and during Israel and Palestine's war in Gaza, the medical teams have been safe and free to do their job and treat the wounded.
Hamas helping Iran crack heads?
posted at 1:35 pm on June 17, 2009 by Ed Morrissey Send to a Friend Share on Facebook printer-friendly
One might think that the Iranian Guardian Council has enough thug power in the Revolutionary Guard to keep a lid on the Iranian people. The Jerusalem Post reports that the Guardian Council itself doesn’t have that level of confidence. Protestors claimt that Hamas has begun assisting the regime in cracking heads, and have a different view of Israel as a result (via Yid with Lid):
One might think that the Iranian Guardian Council has enough thug power in the Revolutionary Guard to keep a lid on the Iranian people. The Jerusalem Post reports that the Guardian Council itself doesn’t have that level of confidence. Protestors claimt that Hamas has begun assisting the regime in cracking heads, and have a different view of Israel as a result (via Yid with Lid):
Letter to the Minister of Justice of the Islamic Republic of Iran
We would like you to pay immediate attention to what is going on currently inside the country. We are currently with people who think that their rights have been infringed upon and they have a right to ask for that right to be given back to them. Not only are students being picked up from universities, but now reformist leaders and known political faces are being picked up from their homes without the slightest regard to the laws of this country.
This will not only do no good in solving the problems we are facing, but will further exasperate them. The spate of killings during these protests are condemnable. Yet from the peaceful protests we have seen, it seems unlikely that they were the instigators of violence.
We request your assistance in this matter because you have a responsibility towards your people and the Islamic Republic. The continuation of this violence will do nothing but harm, thus, we want every bit of help you can give us in ending this spree of violence that is being carried out against peaceful protesters.
Mir Hossein Mousavi, Said Mohammad Khatami
(Translated by Josh Shahryar)
This will not only do no good in solving the problems we are facing, but will further exasperate them. The spate of killings during these protests are condemnable. Yet from the peaceful protests we have seen, it seems unlikely that they were the instigators of violence.
We request your assistance in this matter because you have a responsibility towards your people and the Islamic Republic. The continuation of this violence will do nothing but harm, thus, we want every bit of help you can give us in ending this spree of violence that is being carried out against peaceful protesters.
Mir Hossein Mousavi, Said Mohammad Khatami
(Translated by Josh Shahryar)
Wear black in respect for those killed in Iran.
Mousavi and Khatami to attend rally tomorrow.
Please wear black in respect for those innocents killed in Iran. Thank you.
Please wear black in respect for those innocents killed in Iran. Thank you.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Tear gas and Twitter exposing Ahmadinejad's tactics
Iranians take their protests online! Follow at:
Justice Ginsburg Says She’s ‘Cheered’ by Sotomayor’s Nomination
"As much as I will miss Justice Souter's company," Ginsburg said, "I was cheered by the next banner headline" on Sotomayor’s nomination. Justice Ginsberg further stated,"The nominee will bring to the Supreme Court, as she did to the district court and then the court of appeals, a wealth of experience in law and in life," Ginsburg said. "And I am so glad no longer to be the lone woman on the court."
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Shawna Forde, Minutemen Leader, Arrested In Double Killing In Arizona
"The trio are alleged to have dressed as law enforcement officers and forced their way into a home about 10 miles north of the Mexican border in rural Arivaca on May 30, wounding a woman and fatally shooting her husband and their 9-year-old daughter. Their motive was financial, Dupnik said."
South Carolina pol: Sorry for comparing Michelle Obama to gorilla
The Facebook comment has since been deleted, but DePass confirmed to WIS-TV that he made it, apologizing and saying it was a joke about statements Obama has made about evolution.
SCGOP Activist Posts Remark Disparaging First Lady
A prominent S.C. Republican Party activist is in hot water after describing an escaped gorilla at a South Carolina zoo as an “ancestor” of First Lady Michelle Obama.;
see below,;
see below,

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Broken promises--Ahmadinejad's problem with women
"His broken promises to women voters could cost him the presidency on June 12. A reformist woman and a former member of parliament said in a newspaper article that the president's days are numbered: "The women's movement in Iran is gaining momentum and these elections may be the first step towards Ahmadinejad [being] forced out.""
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
"Rape Trees" Found Along Southern US Border
"A new method of marking territory has crossed over into the United States. "Rape trees" are popping up in Southern Arizona and their significance is horrific and disgusting. These "rape trees" are places where cartel members and coyotes rape female border crossers and hang their clothes, specifically undergarments, to mark their conquest and territory."
OH, NO MIKE, you didn't!
"The appointment of Maria Sotomayor for the Supreme Court"—Mike Huckabee. News flash, Mike... We are not all named "MARIA" and we don't all look alike either... but, Mike, you really exposed your true self, didn't you! How unfortunate for you and so telling to all future Hispanic voters!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Anita Hill Talks About Sotomayor and Her Own Clarence Thomas Testimony
Anita Hill believes that the Obama administration nominee Sonia Sotomayor is a great choice due to her intellect, breadth of experience and respect for the rule of law. Hill was a year behind Sotomayor at Yale Law School and was very favorably impressed with her there, the two were never socially involved then or since.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
New Hampshire Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage
New Hampshire Legalizes Gay Marriage Gov. John Lynch signs a bill making New Hampshire the sixth state to legalize sames-sex marriage.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Group: NJ tops list in anti-Semitic hate crimes
New Jersey had more anti-Semitic incidents reported in 2008 than any other state. California was second with 226 incidents reported and New York was third with 207.
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