Friday June 18, 2009
The Security Forces and plain-clothed government agents subjected Kian Amani, a prominent Iranian photographer and photojournalist of CHN news agency, who has also performed freelance work for foreign news agencies, to a flagrant attack and bodily injury. The attack occurred while he was engaged in photography from the demonstrations on Gandhi Street at 9:00 PM on Tuesday.
The paramilitary plain-clothed agents were armed with batons, chains, and machetes. They approached Mr. Amani and broke the lens of his professional camera. When he objected, the agents attacked Mr. Amani with knives and severely injured him. Despite his grossly apparent injuries, the agents continued to subject Mr. Amani to beatings. Concerned bystanders subsequently took him to a hospital.
The restrictions on activity of journalists in Iran have occurred while hundreds of foreign journalists and photographers have been forced out of Iran due to nonrenewal of their visas. Many news agencies have been warned not to provide coverage of the ongoing demonstrations. The government of Iran through severe censorship of newspapers and media, placement of significant restrictions on Internet access and blacking of texting, has practically left no room for any coverage of the ongoing people’s demonstrations and the events surrounding them.
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