Monday, August 31, 2009

N.C. native wrongly deported to Mexico

Federal investigators ignored evidence the man is an U.S. citizen, documents show.

This dude is an U.S. born citizen and NOT even of Mexican descent----WOW, I guess I better start carrying my birth certificate or brush up on my Spanish!

1 comment:

  1. Catholic Magazine "First Things" :

    America's housing market collapsed because of the Lack of Babies with two parents at home. America is the leper that still has some fingers - Depression Economics

    How Demography produces Depression. Americans won't go to Disneyland !! ( Because of lack of children and money )

    Catholic Magazine "First Things" ... And a Conservative Intelligent Reaganite Economist. They complain a lot because of the Bad Economy and rant a lot against Liberals, Democratic Party and Mr Obama.

    After lots of complaining for the bad use of Economics, Economist David P. Goldman still has faith in Conservatism and Reagonomics. However he doesn't hate Immigrants or Third Worlders and find them useful to cure many economic ailments of the "First World".

    America is the leper that still has some fingers !!

    First Things Magazine
    Demographics & Depression
    By David P. Goldman
    May 2009

    Demographics & Depression

    In our site MILENIALS.COM you can find more information about these problems of Reproduction, Demography and Economics. And the relation to Immigration :

    Vicente Duque
