Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Check out this Blog that tracks Hate-Crimes

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mora James. You are very kind.

    I love all things about the Supreme Court - Justice Sonia Sotomayor - Court Decisions about the New Health Care Reform, etc ....

    I also track Lou Dobbs and the Profiling of Latinos in the Media :


    Gift for Internet Buffs : How the battle ship "Lou Dobbs" was sunk with a broadside of Facebook Torpedos from extremely small submarines - Huffington Post

    The Fall of an idol with clay feet :

    Huffington Post
    How Targeted Online Ads Helped Sink Lou Dobbs at CNN
    March 5, 2010

    By Colin Delany
    Colin Delany is founder and editor of, a website that focuses on the tools and tactics of Internet politics and online advocacy. Launched in July of 2006, received the Golden Dot Award as "Best Blog - National Politics" at the 2007 Politics Online Conference. The site also features two downloadable e-books, "Learning from Obama" and "Online Politics 101."

    How Targeted Online Ads Helped Sink Lou Dobbs at CNN

    Some excerpts :

    Be sure to catch this article from the February issue of Politics Magazine, particularly if you're looking for examples of how even a relatively small online ad buy can reverberate across the media landscape. Late last year, longtime CNN host Lou Dobbs resigned due to pressure from a coalition of organizations, including media watchdogs and groups representing Latinos and immigrants. Lacking a huge budget, the organizers used a strategy planned to leverage their limited money into as much news coverage as possible. According to Josh Koster and Tyler Davis, online advertising gurus working with the coalition and the authors of the Politics Mag piece:

    Not long thereafter, Dobbs was history at CNN. The lessons from this second example of clever Facebook ad targeting we've seen this week? First, integration is key -- these ads weren't floating out in a vaccuum but were part of an overall communications strategy that included the proposed television ad, online petitions and direct outreach to journalists and the outlets they read. Second, the size of the audience you reach online matters a lot less than reaching the RIGHT audience, in this case not just reporters but also bloggers and activists who could help spread the word and keep the pressure on CNN.

    Finally, careful targeting can make your campaign seem omnipresent and a far more potent force than it might actually be -- on the internet, even a tiny dog can bare some big teeth. And in this case, put a big bite on a powerful opponent and sent him scurrying home, tail between his legs.

    Vicente Duque
